LifeForce Camp

How do you view fitness? Do you think only of chiseled bodies? There is so much more to fitness than simply having a hard body. Having a hard body is only a part of a larger whole and simply having the hard body, without addressing the ‘mind’ part, leaves you weak still.

What am I talking about? I’m talking about total mind and total body, which link together for the whole. Mind and body fitness!

So many people who want to get into shape do not realize there is much more to fitness than well-toned muscles. There’s no shortage of exercise regimes that only promote the perfection of the body, or the idea of fitness as a part of a weight loss plan. You also need to incorporate the mind – the mental plane from which all actions proceed. This is one of the primary things we focus on in LifeForce Camp – linking mind and body.

Centuries ago, Western culture lost its focus on the interconnectedness and interdependence between the body and the mind or what some call the spirit, and how each has the power to affect the other. Cultivating a love of movement can help you get beyond the concept of physical fitness as separate from mental fitness – and toward a lifelong program of good health through whole mind and body fitness.

Regardless of the type of exercise you choose, from yoga to bodybuilding, from martial arts to jogging, your body is made to move; to feel good. Consequently, when you incorporate regular activity in your life, you’re moving closer to overall mind and body fitness. But if you are overweight, the entire process can be more difficult. Regardless, you can improve your mind-body connection for better mind and body fitness – it’s just important to choose realistic fitness options.

To get a better handle on the problem and focus forward, think about redefining exercise as any activity that unites your mind and body and reduces your stress level. In fact, high levels of stress have been linked to weight gain, and certainly can lead to emotional eating, as well as death due to stroke and heart attack. Finding activities that are both enjoyable and easy to do is important when developing any type of exercise plan. We will help you do this and so much more at LifeForce Camp.

It’s important to be realistic – consider your goals and the steps and time needed to achieve them. Time management is a very important part of mind-body fitness. If you need to lose 50-60 pounds, 20-minutes of exercise per day is not a realistic goal for losing that much weight, but it is a start. Let us help you with the process.

Developing an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle and your desires is crucial to your success. Why? Because long-term weight loss is linked more closely to whether a person sticks to their fitness routine than to what that routine actually consists of. A routine that is gentle and pleasurable is more likely to lead to the long-term gains you are seeking. Always start slow, but continue.

There’s a lot more to it than just exercise such as tapering your fitness goals to your preferences, finding the time, learning about nutrition, how to reduce stress, thinking positive, culturing relationships with friends and others, and so much more that we delve into with you at LifeForce Camp.

Sometimes, you also need to be selfish with yourself. While it is admirable to be preoccupied with the issues and needs of others, you also need to pay attention to yourself and not neglect mind-body fitness. Whether you want to lose weight, which takes time, or link the mind to your total fitness, we’ll show you how at LifeForce Camp.

As we begin, do not get demoralized when you don’t see immediate results – they take a little time. Maintaining an exercise routine is associated with physical as well as mental well-being. Don’t be a scale watcher because it induces stress when you do not see immediate loss of weight from the time you weighed before. Stress is one of the big things we’ll help you learn how to deal more effectively with.

You’re reading this because you know that there is tremendous confusion in our society about how to approach health and fitness. You may have tried losing weight before and failed. However, I want you to consider the possibility that we as a society have not failed at dieting and weight loss. Rather, dieting has failed us as an effective tool for fitness.

Fitness of mind and body belong together. Rather than narrowly defining exercise, redefine it as any activity that reduces stress and connects your mind and body. You’ll be more likely to continue your exercise plan and achieve the outcome you’re looking for and, you’ll be able to live life to its fullest potential as you work to align body, mind and spirit.

Come to LifeForce Camp – we’ll expand your potential and show you an entirely new way of thinking about fitness and exercise, whether you’re a pro or a beginner, but especially if you’ve reached the point in your life where stress abides everywhere and you need to find a better way.

For more information on LifeForce Camp, click on the image below. And, if you’re in the Denver area and want to sit down and discuss some of your goals, contact us. Have a happy and healthy day!





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