Sumo Squat

Sumo Squat

This exercise is great to help build the legs. And, like goblet squats, gives you a great deal of control over weight load and helps you protect a potentially aggravated lower back.

1. Begin by putting two steps side by side that are approximately shoulder width apart. You must be able to stand on top of them with a proper squat stance. Also, the steps must be high enough so that you can achieve a good depth on your squat, i.e., your thighs are horizontal to the floor or slightly beyond (negative) horizontal.

2. Place a dumbbell of the chosen weight load vertically upright in the middle, between the steps and position yourself over the dumbbell so that when you squat you can comfortably grab the head of the dumbbell with each hand in your full squat position.

3. Once you have your adjustments made, squat down, grab the dumbbell and stand to upright position. Maintain your balance, head erect, eyes forward, shoulders squared, chest up.

4. Squat back down to starting position. You have completed one repetition.

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