

This is a great warmup or warmdown exercise. They are particularly good for warming up before speed sprinting. And, they are much like the skips or skipping you did as a child, only greatly exaggerated. When skipping, envision you are running a sprint because that is the position of the arms and knees/legs.

1. Mark out a 20-yard distance. Begin at one end of the distance in an upright position.

2. Step forward onto your right leg for the first skip. As the leg touches the ground it will hit first and then with your knee flexed it will skip for the second hit. At this point, your right hand is in front of you, hand in air and upper part of arm from elbow to shoulder approximately level with the ground. The left hand is cocked at the hip and the left knee should be striking your chest lightly. This is how high you want to get the knees on each skip.

3. Continue forward onto your left leg. As it hits and skips the left arm is up near the face in front of you, biceps horizontal to the ground and the right hand is cocked at the hip while the right knee is as high as you can get it toward the chest.

4. The set is complete when you have reached your 20-yard marker.

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