Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatch

The single-arm DB Snatch is sometimes referred to as just a dumbbell snatch. However, I like to differentiate because you can use only one DB. The reason is, that although the DB snatch is done much the same as with a straight bar, using 2 DB’s is extremely difficult to control in either the snatch or snatch-squat position. It’s been a phase training for Olympic and Speed-Strength athletes for decades and has recently found its way into the Cross-fit arena. This is a good exercise if you’re having shoulder problems and are unable to do a straight-bar snatch or snatch squat.

Phase 1:
Phase one of the snatch begins from the UAP (universal athletic position) by placing a dumbbell on the floor and assuming a squat position over it so that you grasp the dumbbell and hang it between your legs approximately 4-6 inches off the floor. You are in a full squat position. Keep the DB as close to the body as possible as you perform the movement and horizontal to your chest on the pull. This first step is commonly referred to as the first pull. The first pull ends about the middle of the thigh.

Phase 2:
Phase two is referred to as the second pull. This phase is the shortest and most explosive motion of the entire snatch movement. The second pull starts at mid-thigh and ends at the middle of the hip. At this point, the arm with the DB is still straight, the body is almost completely extended and the heels should come off the floor while simultaneously shrugging with the shoulder grasping the DB.

Phase 3:
Phase three is called the high pull. The high pull starts at the middle of the hip and ends at the lower portion of the chest. At this point, the body is completely vertical and fully extended. The arms are bent with the elbows pointing upward. The toes should be the only part of the body still in contact with the floor. The DB should still be as close as possible to the body (the further away it is, the heavier the weight will seem.

Phase 4:
This is the “rack” phase. The rack position should start at the chest and end overhead (the front bar should line up with the back of the head). In this position (from phase three to phase four), the feet should leave the floor for a brief second and should make an audible “pop” when returning to the floor. If there is no distinct sound, either the motion is too slow or it is primarily the upper body that is doing the work and not the full body as is desired. The timing should be such that your arms should lock the bar out as the feet (heels) hit the floor. This would be termed a “marriage of gravity” in either lifting or the martial arts. If you wish to take the short route, once the weight is stable, hold a couple of seconds and lower back to the shoulder. However, if you wish to do the full single-arm DB snatch, you must go into a squat as described below.

Phase 5:
To perform the squat version of the single-arm DB snatch, instead of standing erect as described in Phase 4 above, once you begin the rack position and pull to the chest, do not stand, but instead, while executing the pull, let the arm holding the DB extend upward as your body sinks into a perfect squat. Take care at the bottom of the squat to balance the weight and maintain control. Stabilize the weight before standing and lowering it to the shoulder and then to the floor.

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