My Health Express | February 2018 – My Health and Fitness Explore it! Fri, 02 Feb 2018 17:54:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Enchantment of Mushrooms Fri, 02 Feb 2018 17:29:34 +0000 Now that the holiday season is over many people are looking to lose all those extra pounds they put on. They ate unhealthy foods for the most part during the holidays such as too much wine, alcohol, candy, etc. and are now looking for healthy options to add to their diet. And, while we do not think about it enough, nutrition is as important as your fitness and training. They are inseparable, you cannot have one without the other; they are interdependent. If you want a refresher course about such a concept, study Liebig’s law of the minimum.

Mushrooms are both nutritious and have a natural medicine. They have been used for both food and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Though the Chinese and Japanese have been using mushrooms to fight diseases and boost the immune system for over 3,000 years it’s only been in recent years that the true power of mushrooms has started to be recognized in the US.

Mushrooms are low-calorie food that is a good source of B vitamins and minerals. A general serving of most types of mushrooms is 3 or 3.5 ounces (85 or 100 grams), which has about 30 calories. The calories come from protein and carbohydrates and offer about 2 grams of dietary fiber. Mushrooms are typically good sources of the vitamins B1, B2, and B3. They are also good sources of the minerals potassium, copper, and selenium.

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One commonly available and widely eaten mushroom is the white or button mushroom. It is typical of the nutritional value of mushrooms and is actually the same species as crimini and portabella mushrooms but picked when immature. One 3.5-ounce (100-g) serving of raw white mushrooms contains only about 20 calories and about 3 g each of protein and carbohydrates. This serving provides about 20 percent of the U.S. recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamins B2 and B3 and is also a fair source of B1 and B6. It is likewise a good source of potassium, copper, and selenium.

Mushrooms also are loaded with vitamins C, D, and B12 as well as significant amounts of niacin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. They also contain good amounts of iron, potassium and selenium – most of the vitamins and minerals to help keep you healthy from one small food item. Thus, they are a good addition to almost any food you make from pasta to salads. The benefit of mushrooms that is the most sought after is weight loss. Why? Mushrooms are low in fat and carbohydrates so when you eat them your body burns more fat breaking down the fiber and protein. It’s sort of what we call a negative calorie, i.e., it takes more calories to digest them than they give you.  The fiber in mushrooms also helps to lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) at the same time it also helps manage diabetes with its low carbohydrates, high protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.  Additionally, mushrooms have natural insulin as well as enzymes that assist in breaking down the sugars and starches in food. They are also known to have compounds that assist in maintaining and improving the function of the pancreas and liver as well as other glands in the endocrine system.

Different methods of cooking and storing mushrooms can affect their nutritional value. The best nutritional value is from initially, fresh, raw mushrooms that are not overcooked, whether in a food such as spaghetti or atop a burger. Although canned mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins and minerals, they also often contain high amounts of added salt.

Mushrooms have also been shown to be effective in the prevention of breast and prostrate cancer because they contain significant amounts of Beta-glucons and linoleic acid, which have anti-carcinogenic effects.  Linoleic acid is also effective in limiting the effects of estrogen while the Beta-glucons interfere with the growth of cancer cells in prostate cancer. Additionally, selenium found in mushrooms also interferes with cancer cell growth. They also contain a powerful anti-oxidant called ergothioneine, which is good for protecting against free radicals and improving the immune system. In addition to all of this, mushrooms also contain natural antibiotics that protect against microbial and fungal infections, as well as helping to heal ulcers and wounds that have become ulcerous. They are also the only food source of vitamin D other than cod liver oil that is edible.

But, take care which mushrooms you eat because some of them can be deadly. While there are over 14,000 different mushrooms, only about 3,000 are edible. The simple solution to this problem is go to the store and buy mushrooms you know are safe. If you must go pick your own, make sure you know which ones you’re picking. Eating a single mushroom that’s poisonous mushroom can put you into a coma. Never eat mushrooms that have become discolored or appear to be “spoiled”.  What are you waiting for, head down to the market and purchase some fresh mushrooms (those that are in sealed containers from reputable companies are best) and put in your pasta, salad, or burger tonight and begin reaping the enchantment of mushrooms.

Physiology of Stretching Fri, 02 Feb 2018 17:18:16 +0000 When was the last time you stretched your muscles well? Stretching should be an integral part of any training program, whether you’re a bodybuilder, martial artist, pro-football athlete, or the average fitness buff. Too often, we spend all kinds of time on building those muscles, improving cardio, or burning calories, but at the same time, fail to really enhance our performance at all levels. Stretching will help you achieve that enhancement.

As the reader is aware, muscles of the body are both large and small. What is common among muscles, regardless of size is the parallel grouping of muscular bundles, i.e., fibers, cells, etc. While some individuals who are not very strong are quite flexible, greater flexibility can be gained with increased strength. To enhance muscle size, one needs to increase the number and thickness of the miofibrils and increase the length of the functional unit of the muscles cells. This unit is generally termed the sarcomeres. The sarcomeres can easily extend from a relaxed position, but also can contract. As the sarcomeres contract, actin and myosin, two kinds of protein, “lubricate” the cells as they slide or glide along each other in the contraction process. Each muscle will have a general resting length; its length when the body is at rest, but also a contraction length (as little as 70 percent of resting length) and a stretched length (as much as 130 percent of resting length). During contraction of a muscle, a force is applied; because myosin and actin decrease in overlap of each other during the lubrication process of stretching, this force will gradually diminish as the muscle is stretched and will drop to zero when the muscle reaches approximately 170-175 percent of the rested length.

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In addition to the muscle, tendons play a major role in flexibility. Muscles are generally connected to other areas in the body by tendons and connective tissues. Tension that is generated during stretching is immediately transferred to connective tissues which are called collagen fibers. Collagen fibers are very strong but cannot contract and have a very small range of extension. These types of fibers are normally found in grouped bundles that surround the muscle and tendons at their attachment point and which, as stated, have little ability to extend. In fact, the tendon and collagen fibers can only extend safely about 3-4 percent. Any extension past this percentage point can cause severe injury, especially if you are older. Typically, these fibers are more pliable in young athletes compared to older athletes in whom they become relatively stiff. Unless the individual works at stretching type movements, he or she will become stiff. This can be observed in many older people in our society today. However, using a good stretching routine, older individuals can remain flexible their entire life. It is never too late to begin.

As you may guess, it is not only the muscle, but also the tendon and associated collagen fibers that need to be extended for greater flexibility, although relaxed is probably a better term to use than extended. To achieve a permanent elongation of the tendons and associated fibers, you should use long duration, but low tension (force) stretching exercises while the muscles and tendons are warmed up (100+ degrees) and maintain the stretch until the muscles and tendons have cooled down. For the types of warm down stretches, the muscles should always be at less tension than the tendons and connective fibers. Therefore, it is important to have strength for achieving greater flexibility. Also, as with working out, failure to move the muscle or joint through a full range of motion over a period as short as 2-3 weeks will restrict flexibility, especially in the joints because of chemical changes which occur in the collagen fibers.

In addition to the muscles, tendons, and collagen fibers, there are ligaments which hold joints in place. Ligaments are a little more elastic than tendons, but not much. While a tendon can stretch to only 3-4 percent before tearing, a ligament can stretch about six percent before tearing. An overstretch of the ligaments can lead to loose and therefore, weak joints, particularly if the muscle associated with the tendons and respective joint goes into atrophy (muscle deterioration due to little use). As the muscle reduces in size and strength through decreased use, the loose joint resulting from the stretched ligament will become more apparent at it destabilizes.

Let’s illustrate this to obtain a better understanding. The quadriceps muscles consist of 1) vastus lateralis, 2) vastus medials, 3) rectus femoris, and 4) vastus intermedus (figure A.1). However, you cannot neglect the muscles on the back of the leg (figure A.2). Many gym trainers recommend leg extension exercises to build up the front portion of the quadriceps. While all the quadriceps muscles are used to some extent, the vastus medials is the muscle performing most of the work, along with the rectus femoris in this exercise. Because most people customarily use heavy weights, it is what physical therapists would call an improper stretch because only one joint is being used (the knee). The knee becomes the fulcrum and all the weight load and associated stress is placed on the ligaments which hold the knee together. If the quadriceps muscles are kept strong through exercise, any damage done by stretching the ligament too much will likely not be noticed unless it is very severe. However, at the onset of atrophy in later years, the stretched ligaments will likely cause a loose joint which will become noticeable, painful, and annoying; also, osteoarthritis may set in. A better use for leg extensions is for rehabilitation, using very light weights, not over 20 pounds per leg. This would make it a true exercise and not a ligament stretch. It is not necessary to stretch the ligaments to be fully flexible.





At this point, I should also mention the function of the bones in being filled with marrow, is a living tissue. Bones are composed of calcium and phosphorus, attached cartilage, and collagen fibers. As greater stress is applied to a bone over long periods of time, such as with consistent workouts, the bone can become much stronger. However, too much stress, either by workout loads or over stretching, can weaken bones. Considering all the body parts involved in stretching, a balanced regimen of different types of stretches at the proper times should be sought for maximum flexibility results. A good source of reference is Dr. Tindall’s MMA book, which includes an entire chapter on stretching properly and various ways to achieve it.





Tips for Avoiding Osteoporosis Fri, 02 Feb 2018 17:07:37 +0000 With aging comes the risk of osteoporosis. Are you worried? Osteoporosis is an illness in which you lose mineral density in your bones. As your bones lose density, they become weak with a greater potential for breaking. The public generally believes it to be only a risk that affects women; this is far from the truth. It is a disease that affects men as well as women. However, the disease is much more common in females. You’ve often heard that we should drink milk, especially the young. This is because building bone mineral density starts during childhood. It is also the time you begin to develop individual eating habits. By the time you reach the teen years, eating habits will, if you are eating properly, begin to help ensure strong bones for later on in life. However, if you didn’t quite eat the way you should, you can always start to improve.

The first thing you need to do is to get into the habit of consuming plenty of calcium-rich foods to build bone mineral density. Although a 3-year-old needs 500 mg of calcium daily, by the time they reach 9 years old, consumption should be about 1,300 mg. If you are over 50 the ideal consumption of calcium is 1,200 mg. Too often we think of just milk and other dairy products, however, you should also consider green-leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and others, broccoli, and soy products. Fortified whole grain breads and cereals are also a good source.

To help boost the beneficial effects of calcium on/for your bones, include a daily dose of vitamin D. Research suggests consuming about 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily (for children over two and for adults). Vitamin D can be found abundantly in sunlight, oily fish, tuna, and egg yolks.

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Dr’s Tindall and McAlpine did a micro-gravity study for NASA astronauts and illustrated that exercise, especially overloading the muscles, will significantly increase bone density. The loss of bone density is of paramount importance in long-term space travel. That research will directly relate to those of us who are not astronauts. You should exercise to increase bone density; almost any type will help. Walking, jogging, weights, and playing sports as much as you can will help build bone density naturally. Most exercises, done properly, strengthen the bones in the lower part of the body, including hips, legs and lower spine region.

You also can strengthen the bones in the upper body by lifting weights; there are far too many exercises to list here, but almost any upper body chest, back, or arm exercise will help. Resistance training with weights helps build strong bones and upper body muscles. Best of all, you don’t need to be a competitive bodybuilder to get good results. You will discover that a variety of exercises will produce bone-building benefits. Both physical impact and weight exercises stimulate bone formation. The real key is to overload, i.e., to use more resistance than just the body. This will help the bones become stronger and denser.

Some of the best bone-density builders are exercises that put force on the bone. The best is actually speed-strength, cross fit, and bodybuilding type exercises because they all use weight, entail impact force of the body, and can severely overload the muscles. Exercises such as the power clean, clean and jerk, squat, thruster, and others are ideal. Take care that you use good technique in the exercises to avoid injury. Generally, the higher the impact involved, the more it strengthens the bone, just don’t go overboard. Weight lifting, including curls and bench presses, are beneficial exercises, as well as those listed above. Dancing, jogging, and brisk walking are other exercises that are weight-bearing exercises and as such, promote good mechanical stress in the skeletal system. However, other exercises such as aerobic exercises such as biking, rowing and swimming do not normally strengthen the bones.

The best recommendation for women is to begin strength training long before menopause. However, you can gain the benefits at any age, but the benefits take more work if you wait until you’re past 60. Research has illustrated that women as old as 70, who lifted weights twice a week for a year, prevented the expected loss of bone density and that they even increased bone density slightly. A study conducted in nursing homes of people who are in their 80s and 90s that worked out with weight machines three times a week for eight weeks showed improvements in strength and balance, as well as walking speed.

Although aerobic exercises do not increase bone density or strength, they should not be left out because they will help improve your cardiovascular system and also allow you to work out harder with resistance exercises. About 30 minutes of weight training, two to three times per week, can provide you with the bone density you need to prevent osteoporosis. Try some of our programs because they will work all your different muscle groups.

Related issues to osteoporosis include somatopause and sarcopenia that are listed elsewhere on the website. Also, as you age, strength training becomes more important to unbalance age-related decreases in muscle and bone mass that can lead to frailty. Start today to keep your bones healthy.

Tom the Golfer Fri, 02 Feb 2018 16:59:17 +0000 Would you like to improve your golf game by increasing your drive 20 to 30 yards or more? Would you like to improve your focus during 18 holes of play, increase your precision during tee off and for the short game, improve posture, and have better club control? It’s all about using the entire body. Let me show you how. Despite what you may believe, a golfer is a speed athlete, not a bodybuilder, marathon runner, or a cyclist thus golf fitness programs should not emulate training from these sports but be specific to golf.

Many golfers train with the wrong types of exercises or do not strength train at all. This inevitably leads to joint injuries, especially the knees due to muscularity and joint weakness, as well as other weak areas.
The ability to play golf well requires playing with great technique, but more importantly, using the entire body, which is where most golfers fail. No athlete can be successful in any sport without using the entire body and often, we are simply not as conscious of it as we should be. For example, without using good hip rotation, a large golfer will not be able to drive a ball far enough to compete with a smaller golfer that generally has better hip rotation. We assume here that these two golfers would be equal in other technical aspects. Without proper training, one cannot attain good hip rotation or the many other variables necessary to improve golf technique. The entire body must be united and linked to the mental aspect of the game. But perhaps more importantly, you need to be fully aware of your body – this is true of any sport.

Considering this, we can make a simple statement about golf: Total Body = Total Game! Now let us look at the myths of golf. Tom (his account is below) began his golf training utilizing the programs concepts taught in MyHealthandFitness with an 8 handicap. His favorite saying, “You drive for show; you putt for dough.” Obviously, this has some significance because without a good short game a golfer will not win often, at least at the pro level where livelihood depends upon success. Two golfers with a good short game would likely achieve similar scores by the end of the day. However, suppose one of these golfers has not only an exceptional short game, but also a longer drive and consistently hits the ball 25 to 30 yards farther than his or her competitor. What would happen to his or her scores then? Most likely, the golfer with the longer drive plus the ability to deliver with the short game would be several strokes ahead. If you have a good short game, would you also desire the ability to drive the ball an extra 25-30 yards, e.g. the long ball? The answer from many is that a long drive does not really matter it is technique that counts most. Do you really believe this?

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Enter Tiger Woods, a man that has exceptional technique in his short game, but wait, what’s that you say, he can really blast the ball too? But, you said distance did not matter, it is technique that counts most. Let me ask the question a different way. If your short-game skill equaled that of Tiger Woods, could you beat him in a game of golf? Many golf pros have discovered beating Tiger was not easy because they consistently were out-distanced by his powerful drive, which reduces the competitive effectiveness of their short game. Tiger is usually on the green in two strokes on par 5 holes and others are on the green in three, not the best situation in a very competitive sport. If I told you I could increase Tiger’s drive another 30 yards and even his ability in the short game with these programs, would you want to compete against him then? I can and, our programs would do it; they are scientifically based. Bodybuilding-type programs are likely the worst possible programs to use as a golfer because such programs do not transfer learned skills to the tee and fairway although they are great for bodybuilders.

Following is an account of Tom, a mid-sixties senior who was seeking help to improve his game and who succeeded with the principles described herein. Read the account with the following questions in mind. Have you given the game of golf your all for years and been unable to reach the goal that you seek of becoming a minimal or no handicap golfer? Do you think that because you have great skills at putting and driving that you are at your peak performance level? Before you answer these questions, let’s read about Tom, a fellow senior golfer, who believed the only way to improve his game was to practice driving, putting, and a myriad of chipping and other techniques until he wore himself into a frazzle. Make no mistake, Tom has a great short game, but was unable to link his entire body into his swing and gain the explosive strength necessary to compete with others on par 4 and 5 holes. Following is Tom’s journey along this path.

It was mid-March in Denver, a cold, light breeze blowing from the north as Tom placed his ball atop the tee to make his drive on the first hole of the day. The wind brought a biting chill at 7:30 a.m., despite the clear sky and the slowly generating heat from the rising sun over his shoulder. At 62, Tom remains an athletic man, having played for the New York Yankees as a rookie many years ago he had maintained the discipline and drive to succeed. As an instructor of golf and an avid player, fan, and athlete, Tom reeked with confidence. Using a 1-Wood, he drove through the ball into the wind—a picture perfect 285-yard drive, farther than many of his youthful friends who were half his age. His playing partners congratulated him as he moved aside for the next player.

Despite the congratulations, Tom was troubled as he gazed down the fairway. His steel-gray eyes stared fiercely at the ball where it lay next to the sharp cut of a right dogleg far down the par 5, 505-yard swath. Though confident with his eight handicap Tom felt concerned and a little bitter at the shortness of his drive, which had been 30 plus yards greater not more than a few years ago. It wouldn’t bother him so much he thought except for one thing, he was physically much stronger now. How can you be stronger and drive shorter? He had been walking, lifting weights, and performing light stretching to improve his game. This was in addition to his constant practice and play four to five times per week—retirement had its benefits. “Is it me,” Tom wondered, “or is it simply my age?” Doing some quick mental probing, considering his driving distance versus most of his younger friends, he wondered if it were because he was more experienced and had a better swing, a size difference, or a basic athletic ability due to his former baseball years that his friends did not have. Regardless, he couldn’t resist feeling disappointed and more concerned than before with age as he approached his ball. “Drive for show; putt for dough,” Tom mumbled as he swung his 5-Wood and watched the ball as it rose to about a 25-degree angle then hit and run until it came to rest almost twenty yards shy of the green—the greens were half frozen and very fast.

As he walked, Tom felt more depressed; while his overall game had improved considerably during the last few years, his driving distance was getting shorter. He knew in his heart that the ball should have at least ended up on the edge of the collar or green; an easy par or birdie. Now, he may make par, but a birdie would be difficult. He was chastising himself as he strolled down the fairway. A short chip and two shots later, just missing birdie, Tom made par. Considering it was a par 5, it wasn’t too bad. Not as good as a PGA Pro, but acceptable.

Tom placed his golf bag into the trunk and headed home. Ending the day with a score of 79 was good, by any standards. Yet he could still not keep his mind off his shortened driving distance. Tom pondered what, if anything, he could to do to improve that part of his game. He resolved to increase his exercise regimen and carefully track his progress to determine if anything changed. For a period of several months Tom maintained records of his driving distance, practice time, and strength-training exercise program. Increasing exercise intensity had done nothing. He began to go crazy as it was all he could think about. After all else failed, he began consulting personal trainers and reading all types of fitness books. Still, there were no improvements; it seemed as though there was also a downside to retirement.

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Now late September, a long-time friend whom Tom had become a father figure for, dropped by accompanied by a gentleman Tom hadn’t met previously, but whom he had heard much about.

“Tom,” Felisha shouted, “this is my friend that I told you about, Jim.”
The two shook hands and took an immediate liking to each other.

“So,” Tom said. “Felisha tells me you’re into fitness and training athletes.”
“That’s right,” I replied. “I train athletes from all sports, so they can optimize performance and achieve greater results. I’ll give you some tips sometime if you wish.”

“What kind of training do you teach?” Tom asked. “Is it bodybuilding?”

“No!” I replied emphatically. “I teach speed-strength training for professional athletes. I design programs specifically for each sport, in other words the program for each athlete is sport specific. Bodybuilding is specific to bodybuilders and while it produces some of the greatest bodies in the world, it does not enhance athletic performance for speed athletes.”

“Well,” Tom said despondently. “I guess it wouldn’t help at golf would it?”
“Probably not,” I said. “If you take away the ball, golf is just walking.”

Tom looked at me for a second, then I burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Tom asked.

“I was just teasing.” I said. “Besides martial arts, the rotational torque of the body when swinging a golf club is probably the fastest body torque among all athletes, at least the greatest in rotation.”
“So, you can help me.” Tom responded.

“You should see how he trains people,” Felisha chimed in. “He’s a trainer’s trainer. His students are the best.”
“Yes, I can.” I said, interrupting. “Before I forget, I have a book and video in the car that I’ll leave for you. If you like it, give me a call.”

When I had left the shop, Tom remarked, “Do you think he can really help me Felisha?”

“Yes, I do.” Felisha said. “When I ran into him, everything you had been telling me about your drive and so forth came to mind, so I started picking his brain. He has a student who is 72 that looks 35 and his colleague has a 57-year-old that can clean and jerk 350 pounds off the floor. To Jim, age is just a number that’s relevant in the mental state more than the physical, to a point. He’s always saying younger to older and older to younger, something he teaches. I’m not sure what that means. Give him a chance; I don’t think you will be disappointed. He’s got several degrees including a Ph.D. and you should see the tape he’s giving you. Most of his students half his age wishes they could perform some of those exercises.”

“He’s not going to kill me is he,” Tom asked?

“No, he’s a great teacher and trainer.” Felisha said. “You’ll see.”

A couple of weeks passed, and Tom found himself giving me a golf lesson as part of his training. I had rarely used a driver except on the practice range, so I was being taught with a 3-wood after having taken a dozen or so shots with a 5-Iron under Tom’s watchful eye. Tom was skeptical, if I couldn’t play golf like a pro, how was I going to help? Yet, Tom noticed I picked things up very quickly and, the best players aren’t usually the best instructors.
“Here,” Tom said as he placed a ball atop the tee. “Let’s see what you can do with this.”

Tom couldn’t believe it; my first shot with the 3-Wood sailed straight down the driving range for about 260 yards.

“How did you do that?” Tom asked, amazed. “You rarely play golf and you hit that first shot like a pro. How often do you play?”

“About three times per year to answer your last question, but I practice at the driving range once every couple of weeks so that I know what golfers need to improve. However, to answer your first question, I did that utilizing what I term body physics,” I replied. “What you probably have heard of as bio mechanics. It’s fairly simple. Once you taught me how to swing properly, although it will take many hours for me to perfect, the motion is the same—it’s a consistent mechanical, albeit fluid motion that can be repeated over and over, much like many other athletic movements. What I’m going to do is enhance and strengthen that motion for you, make it more ballistic and more dynamic, explosive if you will.

Unlike bodybuilders who take their time in a lift, it is important for you to contract your muscle from concentric to eccentric (short to long and vice versa) as fast as you can. The faster you can do it, the more power you’ll have and fluidity, in your swing. You already have the motion perfected; I’m going to help you make it more powerful. You will learn to incorporate every muscle in the body in an explosive movement, all at once. Not a grit your teeth, strong-man approach, but a fluid, flexible, powerful drive. And that, as my next ball sailed, but sliced for 300 yards down range, is what I’m an expert at. I cannot outplay you or Tiger Woods in golf, but I can train you for vast improvement in athletic performance and whether you believe it or not, golfers are athletes. When I’m done, you will use all your body, from the finger tips to the toe tips.”

“What club would I use Tom to drive a ball 200 yards down the fairway,” I asked?

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“I’d say a 3-Iron judging from what I’ve seen, why?” Tom responded, not sure where my question was going.

“Just like choosing the correct club for the correct shot and distance, you must make the same choice in a training program for strength and health for your sport, golf in this case.” I said. “Simply performing strength, running, or stretching exercises from magazines or ‘so called’ fitness books will not accomplish what you desire. Also, despite the fact that a great deal of time spent golfing is walking, a golfer is a speed athlete, not a bodybuilder, marathon runner, or a cyclist. For a golfer to perform the types of athletic-training routines that these type athletes perform, to improve your own performance, is a waste of time that would be better spent putting or chipping, unless of course you just want the exercise.”

We were now on the back nine. I spent more time analyzing the swing and the game with Tom than on trying to put my ball in the hole. Tom was struck by my straightforward manner and impressed at how quickly I learned.
“Is that why increasing my intensity in training didn’t help my driving distance,” Tom asked?

“Very good insight; in part,” I responded. “But, mostly because you were not sport specific with your choices of exercises and strength programs. Also, to be fast in the hip rotation and other aspects of golf, you need to train fast. Simply practicing with a club or lifting weights will not maximize the motion or individual potential, also the wrong training can cause hip, knee, and other joint injuries due to the strong dynamics of the swing. I’ll help you avoid those. The choices you made and method you chose were the wrong ones. To enhance performance the exercise motions in your fitness program must closely emulate the sport you are competing in. Unless you are a speed-strength professional and have experience training professional athletes, you will not know how to do this. You told me you worked with a trainer, followed a regimen, and increased intensity; did it work for you?”

“No,” Tom replied. “In fact, there was no improvement, minimal at best. Often I thought it was more detrimental because my swing seemed to suffer for some reason.”

“Have you noticed Tiger Woods recent slump?” I asked.

“Yes.” Tom replied. “You noticed too? It looks like he has gotten too beefy.”

“I would agree.” I replied. “In my opinion the extra muscle mass he has gained has caused his swing to suffer because the program doesn’t appear to have helped recruit all the muscles for the swing or to increase or sustain his flexibility so, it’s a little off where it should be for golf.”

“I think you may be right.” Tom said. “I wondered about that when all the news talked about the great program he was on. Seems like he is in the same kind of slump I’ve been in.”

“That should serve as a testament to you,” I stated. “Write it down in stone: unless your program is sport specific, athletic performance will not be enhanced!” This is a misnomer among younger athletes. They think they are better because they are younger and stronger, but more than their physical prowess, which is my role to greatly enhance, they get better because of experience. I like taking experienced athletes that are over 35 and training them. Within a year, they can generally outperform athletes that are 20 to 25 due to both experience and renewed strength and power that they didn’t have at an earlier age. So, the old become young and the young become old, relatively speaking. In fact, I am nearly twice as old as most of the college athletes I work with and I’m stronger and faster than most of them. I’m also stronger and faster now than when I was 20, 25, or 30. If I could just get better looking, I’d be set.” Tom laughed.

“By sport specific, do you mean exercises that emulate a golf swing,” Tom asked?

“That is correct, but not only emulate the sport, the exercises and program must compliment it,” I retorted. “Are you a bodybuilder Tom?”

“No,” Tom said.

“Then do not train like one!” I said flatly.

“Now that I’m 64, can you make me young,” Tom asked, laughing?

“I can’t make you young, but I can help you perform like a 35 to 40-year-old if you follow my advice and are willing to discipline yourself,” I said.

By now we were on the 12th tee. I drove the ball way down the fairway in a straight line, almost forty yards further than Tom. This was unnerving to him and he naturally felt resentment at being shown up by someone who rarely played, even though he was winning.

“Why did you ask me to teach you if you can drive that far?” Tom asked.

“It’s simple.” I replied, “If I know how you’re teaching me, I get an insight to what you are feeling with your body, because it’s close to how you would swing, and it helps me fine tune your program.”

“Let’s see,” I mumbled. “That’s about 300, no make it 310 yards out, plus or minus five yards or so.”
“I’ll take a bet on that,” Tom quipped. “Since you don’t play golf often, you’ll be much further off than you think. Besides, there’s a slight breeze; $20 says you’re less than 300 yards.”
“You’re on.” I said.

“How did you guess the distance so close?” Tom asked as he marked off 312 yards.

“Simple,” I replied. “I trained with the U.S. Army Rifle Team and am also an archer. You must judge distance accurately to strike the target precisely. Many mechanical devices, including bio-mechanics relate to each other. As an example, relating projectile to distance and incorporated tool to projectile and distance. A bullet to powder and primer is comparative to a golf ball to tee and club, but the latter is more complex having many more variables. The body is merely a system of fulcrums and levers; learn to use them together and don’t fight it, you get the point. Isn’t it also true in golf? If you’re attempting to place a small ball into a cup size hole that is 450 yards away, you must be very accurate. You must also make the correct choices from a variety of tools and use the entire body in the swing, plus a dozen other variables. All of them interact to form the perfect union.”

“Yes, you’re correct, again.” Tom replied. “Smart aleck.”

“Now,” I asked, laughing, “Do you want me to train you?”


Six months later (it was now April) Tom and I were on the same course. Tom placed his ball atop the tee of the par 5, 505-yard fairway and drove through. His second shot landed squarely on the green about six feet from the hole.

“That was an easy putt for eagle,” I remarked.

“Thanks to you, my entire game has improved dramatically Jim,” Tom said. “Given your quick learning ability, maybe you should train for the PGA tour.”

“I don’t think so Tom. I couldn’t afford the practice time,” I said, “Unless Tiger Woods wants to hire me as his trainer and personal bodyguard.”

“Well,” Tom said. “He would be getting a whale of a deal. Anyway, I want you to know that I’m grateful friend for all you’ve done for me. You can be sure I’ll tell my friends.”

“I appreciate your diligence in the program Tom,” I said. “I wish all my clients were as motivated and disciplined as you.”

Since beginning training, Tom had increased his driving distance an average of 32 yards, sometimes more depending on the brand-name ball used. He was back to his former form and drive. He found it easier to putt, felt less pain in his knees, was more vigorous, and achieved consistently lower scores. During play he was less tired as the game wore on, which resulted in greater finesse with his technique. Today, Tom feels 20 years younger. With the correct strength, fitness, and nutritional program, Tom made a dramatic improvement, much to the chagrin of his playing partners. They often remark, “If you want to find your ball, locate Tom’s and walk backwards.” But, more importantly he reduced his 8 handicap to four after 16 months on the program.

What could have made a greater difference in Tom’s game? Could Tom have used a different program, different trainer, better golf balls, or more practice time to achieve the same results? He tried several and none of them worked. Would attaining greater strength through use of heavier weights have made up for this difference? No, he also did this and it did not work, mostly because it did not link mind and body as one unit. Was his mental conditioning up to par, or did the fact that he had lost driving distance negatively affect his abilities? Perhaps, however, let us return to what I told Tom: “Simply doing a strength, running, or stretching routine will not accomplish what you wish for golf, because even though a great deal of time spent golfing is walking, a golfer is a speed athlete, not a bodybuilder, marathon runner, or a cyclist.”

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Having evaluated Tom’s situation and his strengths, his failure was choosing a non-sport specific training regimen. When he was trained properly, the desired results were achieved. Additionally, the new programs I taught him incorporated full-body exercises, just as when playing golf. The swing must incorporate the entire body, not parts of it. Golfers who only have one or several parts of the body committed to the swing rarely make it in competition—there must be a perfect union. And, these programs are designed to help you ‘feel’ that union. Let me put Tom’s training into perspective for you. Two of the primary variables are hip rotational speed and body weight and strength. As Tom’s fitness level improved, using the best program, he developed more force upon striking the ball because more of his body was brought into driving the ball. In other words, the faster rotational speed of the torso increased club-head speed. It is a simple formula of Force = mass x acceleration (F = ma) — because the mass of the club head does not change you must increase acceleration to increase force upon the ball. If you can develop excellent rotational speed using fast-twitch muscle fibers in the body and add that force, coupling it with your physical size and body weight, you will drive further than other golfers that have not learned this principle or that will not be disciplined enough to do so. More importantly, this principle is enhanced by sport specific speed-strength training and, if you do it well, such exercises can greatly increase the speed by which you can learn it. However, this will take considerable practice and discipline of technique—just like golf.

While some golfers and trainers contend that strength is not necessary to be effective in the technique of golf, mostly because of the “short game,”, it is very, very helpful (Tiger Woods was perhaps the perfect example), especially if one can incorporate all body muscles into the swing to achieve a longer drive rather than just using the arms or legs. The latter is the norm among most golfers. The recurring problem is that most of these individuals think in terms of bodybuilding training and body parts—an incorrect training regimen for golf. Also, if you truly believe strength is not necessary, and, I mean no disrespect, why are women’s tees considerably distance shortened compared to men’s? The stronger a person is, when coupled with a program that induces flexibility, the easier it is to be consistent and therefore, accurate. An excellent short game and ball placement off the tee requires precision. The ideal goal is to achieve the technique level of a golfer such as Tiger Woods and unite that technique with your newly-found strength and full-body movement. It is then, that the combination of size and strength will create the greatest performance level and thus, advantage. How does a golfer become as strong as possible while maintaining the desired flexibility and technique to achieve peak performance without gaining too much muscle mass?

Several factors determine how strong an individual can be. The primary factor in strengthening the body is technique; the alignment and coordination of muscles working together as one; total muscle recruitment. Poor technique and the wrong kind of exercise greatly diminish the effects of this union. This is why, when Tom performed basic bodybuilding exercises, he did not improve. In my opinion, the same could be said of Tiger Woods and other professional golfers. Three primary factors that contribute to individual strength include: (1) how you train to use short, medium, and long muscle fibers together; (2) the strength of these individual muscle fibers; and (3) the number of muscle fibers present that you also can recruit for the sport task-at-hand. A larger person has more muscle mass than a smaller person and will, theoretically, be stronger. A weight lifter uses muscle fibers for a maximum lift; the muscles will respond by becoming bigger and thicker due to the immense overload placed on the particular muscle fibers used. Such workouts fail to coordinate and allow recruitment of all muscle fibers, which results in a muscle that is not as strong or explosive as it should be for the golf swing.

Further, training slowly with weights, using decreased ranges of motion in resistance training, and isolating muscles will train the nervous system to react slower than it should for a golfer. Also, it will shorten critical muscles rather than lengthen them. How do I know this? Because, like many of you, I fell into the trap of bodybuilding/weight-training exercises; I have almost 30 years’ experience with these problems. I determined that I wanted to build fine-tuned, quick, explosive bodies, not bodies that would qualify for Mr. Olympia! To do this, I use sport specific speed-strength training regimens, which train the fast-twitch muscle fibers in the body yielding the most power in the smallest amount of mass—perfect for golf.

A sport specific strength-resistance program is a perfect marriage with golf or other pro athlete. For example, if one were reading about building a skyscraper, would they study books about houses? No! Both structures, while having some similarities, are different. The same is true for a golfer versus a bodybuilder. The principles learned, and strength gained in bodybuilding/weight training exercises will not make one a great golfer, i.e., you cannot transfer the learned skills in the gym to the fairway. Sure, you may be stronger (like Tom) and can perhaps swing more forcefully, but the speed of the swing will not be as great as what it could be because you will be using separated muscle groups (as trained), not the entire body. And, like Tom, you will achieve only minimal results. Slower speed and reduced power and flexibility will result from these kinds of workouts. For those performing such exercises, the greatest differences in drive and technique would be seen early in their golf career when they are usually more flexible than older colleagues. As they age, they will eventually find themselves in Tom’s situation.

The rest of this story is available in the book Golf Fitness from Tee to Green by Dr. Tindall. The primary point is, that whether you’re a golfer or other speed athlete, a sport specific training program is necessary to get the most out of your fitness and training and so that your training is transferable to the field of play. If it is not, you are wasting your time.
