My Health and Fitness Explore it! Mon, 31 Jul 2023 23:54:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 High Altitude versus Low Altitude Training Mon, 31 Jul 2023 23:54:02 +0000 Comparison and Benefits of Low Altitude versus High Altitude Fitness Training:

1. Oxygen Availability:

   – Low Altitude: Low altitude areas have higher oxygen availability due to denser air. This allows for easier breathing and provides more oxygen for sustained aerobic activity.

   – High Altitude: High altitude areas have lower oxygen availability due to thinner air. This stimulates the body to adapt by producing more red blood cells and increasing oxygen-carrying capacity that can enhance endurance performance at sea level.

2. Cardiovascular Adaptations:

   – Low Altitude: Training at low altitude focuses on improving cardiovascular fitness through sustained aerobic and anaerobic exercise. It enhances the heart’s efficiency, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and improves overall endurance.

   – High Altitude: Training at high altitude triggers physiological adaptations, including an increase in red blood cell production, improved oxygen utilization, and enhanced capillary density. These adaptations can improve cardiovascular performance and endurance.

3. Training Intensity:

   – Low Altitude: The availability of higher oxygen levels at low altitude allows for increased training intensity. Athletes can push harder during workouts, leading to improved speed, power, and anaerobic capacity.

   – High Altitude: Training at high altitude often requires a reduction in training intensity due to lower oxygen levels. This is exspecially true for those that travel from low altitudes to high altitudes. An example would be going from Miami to Vail. Workouts are typically performed at a lower intensity to compensate for the reduced oxygen availability.

4. Performance Gains:

   – Low Altitude: Low altitude training can result in improved anaerobic performance, faster sprinting, and increased muscular strength due to the ability to train at higher intensities.

   – High Altitude: High altitude training can provide performance gains in aerobic endurance activities, such as long-distance running or cycling, due to enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity and improved oxygen utilization.

5. Recovery Benefits:

   – Low Altitude: Low altitude training may offer faster recovery times due to the higher oxygen levels, allowing athletes to bounce back more quickly from intense workouts.

   – High Altitude: Training at high altitude can lead to delayed recovery due to the physiological stress of reduced oxygen availability. Athletes may require longer recovery periods between workouts. If you are the average Joe coming from low altitude, this is particularly true.

6. Altitude Training Adaptations:

   – Low Altitude: Training at low altitude focuses on optimizing performance at sea level and developing general fitness attributes such as strength, speed, and power.

   – High Altitude: High altitude training primarily aims to elicit physiological adaptations that enhance endurance performance, particularly in aerobic and or anaerobic activities. Athletes may use high-altitude training camps to prepare for competitions at lower altitudes. If you have ever watched football teams that travel from low to high altitude to play, this becomes quite evident.

It’s important to note that individual responses to altitude training will vary, and the effectiveness of low or high altitude training depends on several factors, including the athlete’s current fitness level, goals, training history, and the specific sport or activity being targeted. Consulting with a qualified coach or trainer can help determine the most appropriate altitude training strategy for you. Have a happy and healthy day.

Those Who Are More Fit Survive Better Fri, 17 Mar 2023 21:49:59 +0000 How would you change your fitness routine if there were no electricity? For an example, many fitness buffs use programs such as Apple Fitness and others where they can follow along, emulating a trainer performing a specific exercise. Too often, people follow rather than lead and when you do this in fitness, you end up mimicking someone more than knowing what you are actually doing and why. If you rely on internet-based exercise services, you need to, at minimum, know how to properly perform the exercise because if there were a power outage for an extended period of time, which is looking more and more likely, you’ll need to drastically alter your exercise programs. And, as one of our goals, we want you to be your own fitness and nutrition expert. It is imperative!

Let’s look at an example of what I’m talking about.

Energy drives industrialized societies – homes, businesses, governments, and infrastructure. If you have no electricity, how will you run your lights, furnace, AC, phone, electric car, fill up at a gas station, etc.? How will you perform Internet-serviced fitness programs such as those mentioned above? Are you prepared? The failure of the power grid can be localized due to storms or regional due to a solar flare, EMP, or other event. Our current power grid is very vulnerable. Should a major failure occur, you would be back to the 1840s in the blink of an eye using wood for cooking and heating, and candle light for reading at night. Your day would be working during daylight and sleeping at night. You need look no further than the recent California storms in San Bernadino County where some locations received almost 10 feet of snow that stranded residents and broke power lines. Your electricity can go out at any time and could leave you in a very perilous situation. Every home and business can be affected. The figure below, illustrates the cascading effects of this process. Along with energy, telecommunications will shut down. Most people do not realize that cell towers are equipped with emergency generators, typically diesel. However, these generators have only a 24-hour supply. Unless those operating these cell towers have above ground or hand-pumped diesel tanks, the towers will shut down because gas stations will not run without power, which means that your cell phone even if charged, will generally only work for a 24–36-hour period after the power is gone. This is not something generally talked about in the news media, which will ensure that only those who pay attention to such problems will be prepared, which can lead to very dire consequences. And when this happens, good bye Internet fitness.

So, how would you do a follow along fitness program when you no longer have access to it? The power grid is vulnerable and a large solar flare could disable great portions of it. Thinking about natural fitness and the benefits it offers is important. Consider natural body exercises that you can easily transition to in event of or during an electrical blackout. Some of these include push ups, pull ups, jogging, sprinting, box jumping, lunges, split-squat jumps, dips, jumping jacks, toe touches, and many, many others, none of which require electricity to follow along with a trainer.

If you get caught and stranded in a large snow storm such as those recently in California and where power failed for several days, it would be necessary to be weaned from follow along with Internet fitness. While such fitness programs are fun and convenient, mix up your fitness program so you are better prepared for such an issue. I know what you’re thinking, that it will never happen. You should rethink your attitude. Also, try a wilderness fitness course such at that taught by, you will be glad you did. It is like I have said before, people who are more fit, perform better at everything, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Have a Happy and Healthy Day.

A Crumbling Society – You should be fitter than ever. Tue, 10 May 2022 02:26:18 +0000 The entire world has witnessed what is happening in the Ukraine and to it’s people. For the past few years the world has seen refugees struggling to escape war zones such as Syria, impoverished areas in Africa and elsewhere, and resource depleted countries. The news media is not focusing on it currently, but the entire western United States is in peril of a greatly diminished water supply that could potentially cause the mass migration of millions and the total failure of vegetable, fruit, and nut crops in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and adjoining areas. This is not mentioned to cause fear, but to prepare. There is no doubt that a fit person can perform better at almost every physical task, as well as mental tasks when compared to the unfit. In the scenarios mentioned, being unfit could be catastrophic and even life threatening. Over the next few months we will explore potential crises and how to deal with them both physically and mentally. For now, I want you to think about getting in better shape so that as an individual, you will be prepared for what may be potentially coming to your area. The next blog will give you a couple of survival scenarios and how you can deal with them by being more physically prepared. Fitness will take on a whole new meaning. Check back soon.

The Basics of Surviving in an Urban or Wasteland Environment

Busy Spring & Summer Sun, 21 Jul 2019 00:47:18 +0000 I want to apologize to our readers for the lapse in posts and comments these past few months. As many of you are aware, I have been heavily involved in hemp production and CBD extraction to help others with health issues. Actually, I have been doing work in the area for the past seven years.

During the past seven years, I have vertically integrated a 1,200 acre farm in Colorado where we do everything on a from seed to sale basis, growing hemp organically with no chemical additives, weed or insect control. I have focused on field and greenhouse production, feminized seed, genetics, CBD extraction from the hemp flower, distillation, product formulation and labeling, and retail sales, as well as R&D.

On the extraction side, I have a patent pending on my layered extraction process and also extraction-facility design, which is a self-contained laboratory. Originally, I designed 6 different facility production capacities. However, due to the advent of new equipment, I have narrowed that to a 2,000 lb/day flower processing capacity and a 4,000 lb/day facility; the latter can be increased to 16,000 lbs/day. Within the process, I tossed everything aside and started from scratch. The end result was achieving an extraction level of 98% plus and generally 99%. This means that I can extract the flower and leave less than 1% of CBD, the essential oil, in the residual flower. As a matter of fact, the last few runs had 0% CBD remaining in the original flower. Revenue speaking, this will yield approximately $80,000 more per acre that what most extractors are able to achieve and, the 4,000 lb/day unit is capable of grossing a minimum of $45M per year with only a 20-25% operational cost, netting 75%+ of the gross. This is based on a five day work week, one shift per day.

The improvements in processing and facility design I have achieved can be put into a brief synopsis as follows:

  1. Patent Pending Proprietary Extraction Process and Facility Design;
  2. Less than 1% CBD left in residual, extracted flower (means $80k/ac more revenue returns);
  3. Producing 60%+ CBD Content in Crude Oil;
  4. Increased Capacity, Up to 2,000 Kg per Day (expandable to 7,250 kg/day);
  5. Performance, Layered Extraction Process;
  6. Rapid ETOH Displacement;
  7. Reduced Chilling Time from 8 hours to 30 min with proprietary ‘super chiller’;
  8. 30%-40% Greater Extraction Efficiency; and
  9. A Self-Contained Extraction Platform that can Co-Locate with Any Grower.

In addition to the design, I have had proprietary equipment designed to work with the facility capacity that allows cooling to super-critical levels within 20-30 minutes. It’s been a lot of fun. As a result of all of this, I’m building my own facility in Oregon (some pics below). But, again, I apologize for the lack of posts and hope to stay more on top of things moving forward.

Extraction Facility at base stage.
A little further along.
Poly-carbonate roof to let in more light.
Finished Facility – 4,000 lb/day processing capacity.
What is CBD? Wed, 02 Jan 2019 23:28:44 +0000 Cannabis is the most widely used “recreational drug” in the U.S., perhaps the world, excepting for alcohol. It has been a subject of focus in light pop culture and the drug wars since the 1960s. Currently 26 states have legalized the growth of marijuana and manage the sale of it although it is still illegal under federal law. Despite the typical ‘high’ obtained from it, valuable insight has been growing about the benefits of personal health from one of its extracts: Cannabidiol (CBD).

In the 1930s, big industry lobbied the government to outlaw hemp in any form because it directly threatened their long-established business models with its extremely-efficient applications in paper, textiles, biodegradable plastics, paint, biofuel, agriculture, and animal feed, building materials including insulation, and medication among others. As a matter of fact, hemp produces four times the fiber per acre as trees. Let’s take a look at this remarkable substance.

What is cannabis?
Cannabis is a genus of flowering plant with three subspecies: Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Sativa, and Cannabis Ruderalis. Generally, the first two species are referred to as Marijuana and have been through the years to have higher concentrations of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the cannabinoid that produces the ‘high’ when consumed. The third species, Cannabis Ruderalis, is a small wild weed that has low levels of any cannabinoids. The has been generally referred to as hemp although, this is not technically correct.

Hemp refers to members of a subspecies of sativa that have less than 0.3% THC because this level of THC is the defining characteristic. However, it can have a high concentration of CBD which inhibits the effect of THC on receptors in the brain. It is THC that makes one ‘high’ not CBD. The word Hemp is only used for Cannabis plants and products that have no meaningful amount of THC, or in other words, hemp will not get you high. Some governments even regulate the use of this word. When hemp was first outlawed in about 1937, it was because those who farmed it and farm hands were supposedly getting high on it according to the government. However, hemp is notable primarily because it consists of a fibrous material that is stronger and cheaper to produce than cotton, has greater insulation properties than fiberglass, more tensile strength than steel cables, and can grow in nearly any non-arctic environment. Therefore, hemp became legal to grow again during WWII because the U.S. Navy needed it for ropes for ships. After the war, it again became illegal to grow.

What are cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are chemicals found within the Cannabis plant that have some sort of effect on the endocannabinoid system found in all mammals; yes, that includes humans. Endocannabinoid simply means “cannabinoid inside” your body. We all produce cannabinoids and have an innate system that responds to them. We discover more daily about the human cannabinoid system, particularly in the central nervous system, digestive system, and immune system. Currently, scientists have discovered 113 different cannabinoids, which is expected to increase. Along with this has been the discovery of two different kinds of receptors and an indeterminate number of functions they serve. Tetrahydrocannabinol has many effects on the body in addition to producing a high it has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

What is CBD?
Cannabidiol is sort of like a wonder drug, a marvel of nature. It is not psychoactive so, CBD will not make you high and is also a different compound than THC and it will not show up on a drug test. Cannabidiol is extracted from the leaves and flowers of cannabis plants, and once it’s isolated from the rest of the plant, it can be incorporated into many other products. These products range from sublingual oils, to edibles such as cookies and gummy bears, to topical anti-inflammatory lotion, lip balm, eye-wrinkle cream and many others. The basic extraction process of CBD uses either CO2 or alcohol; the latter is the best as it does not harm the terpenoids and flavonoids in the extraction process and these are most important for health.

Cannabidiol can exert many therapeutic effects without side effects, i.e., no negative results. It does this by regulating the production of signals within your cells and acting as an antioxidant, as well as activating several different types of receptors in your body. Thus, without question, CBD may be the ultimate immunostimulant. Much research has been done from the late 1930s in Israel since Hemp became illegal in the U.S. in 1937. While new research is now emerging in the U.S., thousands of anecdotal claims are now available on social media and growing every day. Both research and anecdotal claims have been found to have substantial capacity for treating the symptoms of the following:

• Acne
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Anxiety
• Arthritis, including rheumatism
• Cancer
• Crohn’s disease
• Diabetes
• Fibromyalgia
• Glaucoma
• Hepatitis C
• Inflammation
• Insomnia
• Kidney disease
• Lupus
• Migraines
• Multiple sclerosis
• Parkinson’s disease
• Post-concussion syndrome
• Residual limb pain
• Seizures, especially those characteristic of epilepsy
• Tourette’s syndrome
• Traumatic brain injury
• Ulcerative colitis

Your Skin and the Endocannabinoid System Wed, 02 Jan 2019 23:19:54 +0000 This year, I am going to talk more about what I call the miracle plant. That plant is industrial hemp, however, it is not marijuana and will not make you high if grown at the certified USDA level of less than .3% THC. Well, you could get high on it, but only if you could smoke 1,500 pounds per hour. This truly is a plant that is a miracle, truly green. It will produce as much fiber on one acre as 4 acres of forest. And, the uses are vast. Please see last months My Health Express. This article will focus on the endocannabinoid system.

Your skin is the main boundary of the immune system and weighs about 25 pounds for the average adult. Essentially, the skin is ‘the wall’ that keeps out bacteria, debris, water, and solar radiation. It ensures that you system is closed and protected. While serving as a barrier it is also flexible, absorbent but not porous, and durable and strong enough to withstand a lifetime of wear. It is comprised of three layers – epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis, each serving a different function.

The epidermis is the outer layer of skin – the part you see. And, it’s the main barrier, the physical barrier for keeping out infection via bacteria and other sources. It also contains nerve endings to sense pain, as well as melanin-producing cells that give you your skin pigmentation.

This layer is thicker than the epidermis and is the base for sweat glands, nerve cells, sebaceous glands (they produce the oil that helps cover our skin), and hair follicles. It is comprised mostly of collagen, reticular fibers, and elastic tissue that gives it flexible strength. This layer also includes efferent (control rather than sense) neurons that govern capillary dilation and lymph networks to help protect the body from infections from cuts, bites, scrapes and other injuries.

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Hypodermis (subcutis)
This is the deepest layer of the skin, underlying the other two layers. If you get a blister, this layer becomes exposed, which can be a problem. It is because this layer has even more immune-system tissue, fact cells (these provide insulation from external temperatures, padding from injury and storage of fuel for activities).

Endocannabinoid System in the Skin
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the sum of all the cannabinoid receptors and endogenous ligands (like anandamide) that bind to the receptors, as well as their biosynthetic pathways, and degrading enzymes. However, it’s not just the effects of this system short and long term or just the receptor to ligand binding. It’s more about homeostasis.

There is a mountain of evidence, termed anecdotal evidence and that is homeostasis related, that demonstrate positive results of phytocannabinoid treatment, i.e, plant CBD’s. These homeostasis-related conditions seem to have no known cause or cure. And for this reason, endocannabinoid modulation has proven to be highly effective for treatment of many diverse conditions. Of note is skin and hair growth.

Skin and hair growth
One of the better-understood roles of the ECS in the skin is hair production via hair follicles and the sebaceous glands associated with them. What is unique is that the latter have a high percentage of CB1 receptors, which are responsive to the endocannabinoid AEA (anandamide) and to phyto-cannabinoids like THC and CBC. Hair growth shows a negative correlation with activation of these receptors, so scientists believe that the ECS controls human hair growth via a negative feedback loop. This process is currently undefined thus, an ECS explanation is logical.

While most people are familiar with THC and CBD, there are many chemicals in marijuana that contribute to its diverse effects on the human body. These effects include protecting neurons from damage, pain relief, suppressing nausea and vomiting, and many more. Cannabichromene (CBC) is an important chemical in marijuana that demonstrates the complexity of how the cannabis plant works.

Although the ECS plays a very intricate and sophisticated role in the immune system, the precise mechanisms of its various roles are not well documented. However, we do know that ECS regulates (up and or down) the overall level of cellular activity in immune cells, and it also regulates the rate at which apoptosis, or programmed cell death occurs, which is a vital function of the skin and its ability to remain pliable, flexible, and youthful.
Additionally, the skin also is prone to inflammation and allergic reactions because it is often the first to meet foreign substances.

Due to climate, water, temperature, etc., the ECS plays a very robust role in the down-regulation of chemokines and cytokines that produce inflammation and the pain associated with it. Localized topical cannabinoid treatment of allergy-induced inflammatory responses (such as putting CBD on hives) diminished the symptoms of inflammation immediately, in a CB1 dependent manner, proving that cannabinoid receptors are involved in the negative feedback of painful inflammatory responses. A similar reaction occurs when CBD skin lotions are applied, which helps firm and moisturizes the skin due to ECS reactions that typical skin lotions cannot match. We’ll do an article later that gets more into the science of this phenomena.

Whole Plant Extracts versus Single Drug Pharmaceuticals Mon, 03 Dec 2018 02:12:53 +0000 For December 2018, we featured a special issue for MyHealthExpress online magazine. This blog post is meant to accompany that issue.

As population has increased, so too has the use of drugs among society. These drugs are those prescribed by the medical industry that generally are single-compound drugs. It is not that they are all bad because Western medicine has cured some conditions that were once fatal and, such drugs have even doubled the average life expectancy, especially in developing countries. This success has been hard fought through trial and error such that many believe that a compound will do exactly what research shows it will do. And, for single-compound pharmaceuticals, there is generally only one active ingredient, which will exert one specific reaction in your body. But what if the drug you took were a full-plant extract that had over a hundred compounds in it? How would it perform? The therapeutic use of cannabis belays the fact that single-compound drugs are always the most effective. Almost all studies indicate that whole-plant extracts produced much greater effects than single-compound medicines for the same conditions. Welcome to the world of health through cannabis.

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As an example, many drugs have one advertised purpose, but they also have a huge list of side effects that could occur and most of the side effects are deleterious to your health. The body is incredibly complex – more than three billion chemical reactions occur every second inside our bodies. Therefore, if a compound affects one part of the body it is highly likely to affect other parts as well. This fact separates cannabis from other categories of medicine – 113 phytocannabinoids are synthesized in one or two steps from the same originating compound – cannabigerol. They are all different molecules, but they are all incredibly like one another. Consequently, various phytocannabinoids work together and have a greater effect in modulating their respective pathways than a single cannabinoid would have by itself or, a single-compound drug. This is why the CBD’s from cannabis sativa work so well in healing. However, there is so much to learn – we have a very long way to go.

Synergy and the entourage effect
Because hemp was made illegal in the U.S. back in the 1930’s, most of the research on its health effects have been done in Israel. Researchers in Israel have conducted extensive and reputable research to determine if cannabinoids work together to increases their potencies – is it realistic or possible? Their findings clearly demonstrated that CBD, by itself, exhibits a bell-shaped dose response. This means that there was a meaningful effect when CBD was present in a very specific dosage window – this is typical of most drugs. However, when CBD was administered as part of a combination of phytocannabinoid-rich oil, the maximum effect of the CBD increased after it reached a plateau – it did not decrease as single-compound drugs did. The research was repeated and showed the same results. Therefore, it has spurred further research into the potential for widespread use of phytocannabinoids in the treatment of many different health conditions, and the prevention of many more.

Various phytocannabinoids, like the endocannabinoid system in mediating homeostasis, exhibit slightly different effects, which appears to bring equilibrium to the overall system through mediating many processes at once, which appears to prevent overloading any one part of the whole system at a given time. Currently, there is an increasing number of research studies ongoing and a huge amount of anecdotal support that demonstrate the efficacy of the use of a whole-plant cannabis extract, not only to heal maladies efficiently, but to also disrupt the status quo of big pharma.

Coffee vs Tea – Which is Best? Tue, 17 Jul 2018 20:48:03 +0000 Almost every day we see articles about the benefits of coffee and tea in the headlines. Many of which tout the amazing benefits of either, but what are the benefits and is one better for you than the other.
I’m writing about this because on any given day at least one client, friend, or colleague asks me about it. Generally, the question is, what’s better: tea or coffee? So, is one better than the other health wise or, is it simply a matter of personal preference?

Are you ready for the basic answer? There is not a clear winner between the two. Let’s look at why.

A recent study by Harvard stated that those who drink 3-5 cups of coffee a day are generally less likely to die prematurely from certain diseases when compared to those who drink no coffee. The consumption of coffee has also been linked to some protection against Type 2 diabetes, as well as Parkinson’s disease and others. Another recent study stated that drinking about 8 cups of coffee per day reduces one’s chance of getting cancer. Also, you should note that this amount of coffee intake will flag you if you’re an Olympic competitor, so stay below the 8-cup level. Overall, coffee is a good, rich source of antioxidants.

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One of the downsides of coffee, particularly if you drink espresso types or boiled coffee is that some studies have shown that these types potentially raise cholesterol level, but only a little. And, if you have stomach and digestive problems/issues, coffee is more acidic than tea and can exacerbate these problems. In this instance, tea is likely a better choice for you.

When I developed the exercise protocol for deep-space astronauts for NASA, coffee was a concern because of its reputation for affecting bone density in a negative way sometimes reducing it as much as 4 percent. However, after multiple DEXA scans of program participants in the long-term protocol study, whose purpose was to keep bone density high and even increase it while in micro gravity during long-term space travel, we didn’t notice this to be an issue. Generally, weakened bones can lead to an increased risk of fracture such as in osteoporosis. If you are concerned about this, switch to tea and or discuss the issue with your physician.

While it is very common to drink coffee during the early morning and late afternoon, a great many drink it during late evening or at night, either to get the stimulated feeling or stay awake at their jobs or for other reasons. For myself, drinking it after about 4:00 pm will keep me awake. Thus, you need to recognize what drinking coffee does to you personally. After all, it is a stimulant and if you’re sensitive to it, you can become over stimulated, anxious or as my friend says, catch the jitters. This may be due to its effect on high-blood pressure since for those who have high-blood pressure drinking too much coffee can spike it. Also, some doctors will recommend against drinking coffee if you have heart or potential heart disease problems because these conditions slow the breakdown of caffeine, especially if you have more than about 2 cups per day.

As a note, if you’re going to be traveling on an airplane and don’t want to get up to use the bathroom every 30 minutes or so, you may want to reduce your coffee intake before the flight since it is a diuretic – it purges water from our body. Thus, avoid too much coffee since it may dehydrate you, which could be particularly troublesome if you live on the coast or inland and head to the mountains at high altitude for skiing and other recreational activities.

In addition to the coffee, there are all kinds of fancy additives such as flavored creams, etc. that you can add to your coffee, as well as all kinds of sweeteners; these should be limited if you’re worried about calories.
The average amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee versus tea is (data provided by Mayo Clinic):

CoffeeDrink Size Ounces (mL)Caffeine Content (mg)
Brewed8 (237)95-165
Brewed, Decaf8 (237)2-5
Espresso1 (30)47-64
Espresso, Decaf1 (30)0
Instant8 (237)63
Instant, Decaf8 (237)2
Latte or Mocha8 (237)63-126

TeaSize in Ounces (mL)Caffeine Content (mg)
Brewed Black8 (237)25-48
Brewed Black, Decaf8 (237)2-5
Brewed Green8 (237)25-29
Ready to Drink (bottled)8 (237)5-40

Ask any health buff and they will go on and on about the long list of health benefits from drinking tea, especially herbal teas. As with coffee, tea is rich in antioxidants. But for tea there are health claims that says it will help prevent hardening of blood vessels as well as fight inflammation, help you sleep and so forth. Generally though, people who drink tea, seem to have a lower risk of heart disease and related strokes, as well as better brain health. Like coffee, those who drink 2 or more cups of tea per day appear to have a lower risk of age related memory decline. And, as we discussed about bone density for coffee drinkers, tea drinkers ten to have a slightly higher bone density and less bone loss. However, it should be noted that the advantage here ends if you’re a regular fitness buff since your exercises and overburden pressures related to them, greatly strengthen bones making if difficult if not impossible to distinguish bone density issues from drinking tea or coffee.

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Other benefits state that tea has some anti-aging properties. This was determined by looking at the individual cells within participants and it was observed that those who drink more tea overall had a younger biological age associated with the cells.

So, there are good benefits from drinking tea as well. But, one of the very worst benefits of drinking tea, unless it’s the herbal varieties, is that tea stains your teeth significantly more than coffee. Tea also contains tannins. Tannins are a class of compounds in tea, especially black tea, which tend to have a bitter flavor and astringent properties. Teas high in tannins can be described as tannic. Tannins are naturally occurring and common and are an important component of red wine as well. They are also responsible for the dark color in some streams, as they are found in leaves and wood, and are released as organic matter breaks down. The name “tannin” originated in the historical use of these compounds in tanning animal hides to make leather. In tea, tannins are a type of antioxidant, which interferes with the absorption plant-based iron from foods like greens and beans. Generally, drinking tea versus coffee with a meal results in almost double the reduction in iron absorption from tea versus coffee, i.e., 60 vs 30 percent for tea versus coffee.

There are also those among us who could be sensitive to the caffeine in tea, due to its biochemical individuality, despite that it is lower in caffeine than coffee (see caffeine content in tables above). One of the biggest cons against tea use is the fact that a great many people who use teas, use too much sweetener per cup, whether sugar or honey, it doesn’t matter. Sugar is the enemy of weight loss so, if you’re a tea drinker, take care to sweeten with moderation. And, like coffee, tea can be enjoyed hot or iced – both still contain the antioxidants from the original bean.

Above, I mentioned the iron uptake issue. This isn’t a problem with the consumption of iron found in meats – fish, poultry, and beef. For those who are on a vegan diet, simply consume more iron rich plants – green leafy vegetables, as well as vitamin C. The latter is found in abundance in citrus, cauliflower, peppers, broccoli, strawberries and other vegetables. Additionally, herbal teas are not listed here because they lack caffeine to a large extent, but they are soothing and relaxing as well.

In Summary
Drinking tea or coffee is highly individual. I drink both, on the tea side mostly herbal and, I stay away from black teas due to staining of the teeth – drinking tea or coffee through a straw can help negate this staining. But, that is just a choice on my part. And, face it, most of us drink coffee and or tea because they both taste good and we like the buzz from the caffeine, as well as the relaxing, soothing feeling we get, especially from teas. They help get you going in the morning, give you a little energy boost in the afternoon to finish the work day, and help to keep you awake at night for those very long night shifts – yes, I’ve done those too. In fact, in the military there was a time when we were so shorthanded and worked 36 hours on and 36 hours off – coffee was a mainstay to remain alert on these long shifts. As a rule of thumb, cut your caffeine intake 6-8 hours before bedtime for a better sleep. But, most of all, whether you drink coffee and or tea, enjoy the beverages and the benefits they offer.

How Hard Should You Exercise to Lose Weight? Wed, 11 Apr 2018 17:15:20 +0000 Depending on your fitness level you can exercise at light, moderate, and hard intensities to lose weight. The key is to be persistent and not overdo it. And, no matter what exercise you choose, or what intensity level, they all count when it comes to losing weight. What do we mean when we talk about intensity in exercise?

• Low-intensity exercise = low amount of effort (walking, biking, etc.)
• Moderate-intensity exercise = medium amount of effort (weights, swimming, …)
• High-intensity exercise = high amount of effort (full body, competitive, and similar exercise)

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Exercise guidelines are generally given in terms of moderate intensity exercise. For example, doctors recommend 20-30 minutes of exercise 3 times per week – this exercise should be at the moderate intensity level. Examples include:

• 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate intensity exercise per week to promote and maintain health.
• 200-300 minutes (31/3 to 5 hours) of moderate intensity exercise per week is recommended to lose weight and keep it off.
• If you want to have the kind of body you want, assuming you’re not a pro bodybuilder, my recommendation is 5 hours of exercise per week, no less! Why? Because you need to burn about 2,600 calories per week to keep weight off and maintain the type body you want.
What happens when you exercise at different intensities in terms of calorie burn for 5 hours per week – this is an average over many people.

On average, the following calories are burned:
• 165 calories a week exercising at a low intensity.
• 630 calories a week exercising at a moderate intensity.
• 890 calories a week exercising at a high intensity.
These same people burn an average of 175 calories walking stairs per week and 750 calories walking outside (in the park, around the block, etc.). The total number of calories burned each week is more than 2600 calories. This amount meets the recommended amount for weight loss and keeping that loss off.
So, not that you understand a little more, let’s look at exercise intensity again. What is low, moderate, and high intensity in terms of your body feeling the difference?

Low-intensity exercise:
• Feels like it requires little effort.
• Can talk constantly or sing your favorite song while exercising.
• Walking or exercising seems slow paced.

Moderate-intensity exercise
• Feels like it requires a medium amount of effort.
• Can talk some during exercise but you can no longer sing your favorite song.
• Walking or exercising seems brisker in pace.

High-intensity exercise
• Feels like it requires a high amount of effort.
• You need to constantly catch your breath to talk or answer a question.
• Now, running or exercising seems a very fast pace.

As you become fit enough, you will burn the same number of calories exercising at a higher intensity for a shorter period compared to exercising at a lower intensity for a longer period of time. So, if you want to cut your time in the gym, get fit enough to work out at a higher intensity.

Athletes and CBD Thu, 22 Feb 2018 18:32:22 +0000 The World Anti-Doping Agency, or WADA, recently made a subtle change in their 2018 draft of the List of Prohibited Substances. Past iterations of the list described many dangerous drugs such as cocaine and others familiar to the average consumer. In January of 2018, a small footnote in the “cannabinoids” section reads “exempt: cannabidiol.”

Click on photo for more info.

When you think about it, given all the controversy surrounding marijuana and hemp, those two words represent millions of collective hours of effort and hard work by those in the hemp and CBD industries, and they represent the chance for not only healing but, protection. That protection is from addiction to pain killing drugs, which has become rampant within most collegiate and professional sports as athletes turn to these drugs to rid themselves of pain or conceal it and reduce the related inflammation before they step into the arena or field of play.

Thus, world regulatory bodies are coming around to the scientific truths surrounding cannabinoids like CBD and, it’s a step in the right direction. People around the world recognize the therapeutic benefits of CBD, which is proving to be almost a miracle drug in some respects, but it’s not a drug, it’s a full plant extract. Anecdotal evidence of its healing power are piling up daily – from autism to cancer and from psoriasis to pain relief.

Whether you’re a pro athlete, gym rat, or average fitness buff, you know that the day after an intense workout can be accompanied by stiffness and sore joints. You name it, and most have tried it, i.e., to relieve pain; hundreds of ways and methods in which most fall short. Whether it be aching muscles, sore back, sore neck, or sore feet anti-inflammatory drugs have been the norm for treatment- Ibupropin, Motrin, or Tylenol, as well as ice baths and Swedish showers. But, step aside drugs, a full-spectrum, plant extract is performing much better – CBD.
While all of the drugs listed above share the common goal of relieving pain and inflammation, CBD is now proving to relieve muscle aches and pains, limit inflammation, and boost post-workout recovery efforts of our immune system. The effects of CBD are powerful and now being experienced by people from all walks of life, whether the young, elderly or pro athletes.

As a practicing martial artists and instructor of brutal hand-to-hand combat techniques, I can testify to the effectiveness of CBD. It helps you heal and recover after such brutal practice and competition. Whether before a workout, brutal training session, competitive match, or after, CBD helps you recover quickly. You’ll feel better faster. One thing to remember is that if you decide to use CBD, purchase it from a reputable source where it has been legally grown, undergone federal testing methods, and that has been alcohol, not CO2 extracted. Much more information about CBD is given on the website. Happy recovery. And, no, CBD will not make you high; it’s and extract with almost no THC.



